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01455 842138 Arbor

PSALM 25:4
"Show me your way, LORD. Teach me your path"

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Anti Bullying Week 2023

Class 1 wore odd socks and have been demonstrating being kind to their friends, by saying kind words and using kind actions. The class also liked singing along to Andy and the Odd socks- ‘who's in the odd socks?‘ song.


Some amazing socks in Class 2 for Odd Socks Day on Monday. Thank you so much for getting involved everybody!


Class 4 had a class discussion about banter for Anti-Bullying Week. It's not banter if: You would be upset if someone said it to you, if it's hurtful or someone's asked you to stop. We are going to try our best to be kind and keep our school a bully-free zone.


Odd Socks Day in Class 5 marked the start of Anti-Bullying Week 2023, Wearing odd socks encourages our pupils to express themselves and celebrate their individuality.


A great way to start off #AntiBullyingWeek. This week is always a great opportunity to reflect and learn about how we can "Make a noise about Bullying" and help to "stamp it out".


