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01455 842138 Arbor

PSALM 25:4
"Show me your way, LORD. Teach me your path"

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Design and Technology

Our Design and Technology curriculum introduces the children to a range of skills and techniques. During their time with us, the children will revisit a range of sculpture and textile artists and each year group, will be introduced to a new piece of the artist’s work.

Children use a range of media and are taught specific skills to use tools and media and to express them ideas through a range of experiences.

Our Design and Technology programme introduces the children to three aspects of Design and Technology learning throughout the school year.

The children have regular access to our well resourced hub where they can develop their skills in nutritional aspects of the curriculum.


Our Design and Technology curriculum develops skills in three core activities:


  • Activities which involves investigating and evaluating existing products.
  • Focused tasks in which children develop particular aspects of knowledge and skills.
  • Designing and making activities in which children design and make for an audience with a purpose.

