Vision and Values
We are a Church of England School and are closely associated with the parish church. We have a daily act of worship. Religious Education is taught by all class teachers following Leicestershire guidelines. Children learn about the Christian religion in a non-denominational framework and are taught about events, stories and practices of other world religions. Under the Education Reform Act you have the right to withdraw your child from Religious Education or Assemblies.
Our Mission Statement
At our school, we have high aspirations for all of our community to grow, to be well rounded and confident with a strong sense of self-worth. We teach children to love to learn and learn to love - respectfully and inclusively.
Living and Learning in the eyes of God.
We want all children at St Simon and St Jude Church of England Primary School to do their best in all areas of the curriculum in a caring, supportive and comfortable learning environment.
We promote a positive atmosphere with opportunities for all, rewarding effort and attainment equally.
At St Simon and St Jude we help our children to:
- value and respect themselves and others
- practise self discipline and gain pleasure from learning
- achieve their full potential
- exercise tolerance and understanding
As a Church school we believe that our school environment should reflect our commitment to Christian values.
We are an inclusive school and children will receive the best possible start to their education at St Simon and St Jude.
We welcome all parents as partners and will foster positive home school links.
We aim to enable pupils to become independent and self-motivated learners.