Mrs Karen Allen
Mrs Karen Allen, Chair, CGC
I work as an Executive Headteacher. I joined the LGC at St Simon and St Jude CE Primary School in September 2016 and the CGC in January 2022. I am an experienced governor and work with a number of Governing Bodies including multi-academy trusts, a single academy trust, two maintained schools and a pupil referral unit. My role at CGC is Chair and Safeguarding and Finance Advocate.
I was interim Headteacher at SSSJ from October 20515 until July 2016, and have continued as a Governor since then. In my spare time I enjoy walking, gardening and swimming. I became a Governor because as a Headteacher I have a great deal of experience working in education. I love using my skills and experiences to impact a wider range of children. I am extremely proud of the journey from RI to Good that we have been on at St Simon and St Jude and seeing the school thrive in my time as Governor there. I am excited to be the Chair of RISE’s first CGC and getting to know Higham on the Hill.