Medical Information
Absence due to Illness
When your child is absent from school please inform us by telephone, email, in person or by letter explaining the reasons for the absence. All absences must be reported to the school office on the first day of absence. You will receive a message from the office if we do not hear from you.
It is very important that all absences are explained. All unexplained absences have to be recorded as unauthorised.
Illness during the School Day
If your child becomes unwell during the day, we will contact you. Please inform us about any change of contact details so that we can contact you.
Any child that has minor ailments will be treated by our qualified first-aiders. If any injury is serious we will contact you immediately.
If a child needs medication for a long-term condition, parents are asked to complete a form giving details of the medication. Inhalers can be kept in school if needed.
If a child requires short-term medication (e.g. a course of antibiotics) parents are requested to complete a form in order that staff can administer the medication during the day.
All forms can be obtained from the school office .