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01455 842138 Arbor

PSALM 25:4
"Show me your way, LORD. Teach me your path"

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


Our uniform is:

  • A Purple school sweatshirt or cardigan with the St Simon and St Jude Logo purchased from 'Hole in the wall' Hinckley. 
  • White shirt
  • Black or grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
  • School Tie purchased from 'Hole in the Wall', Hinckley.
  • Sensible plain black shoes


Our PE Kit is:

  • Purple logo shirt purchased from 'Hole in the Wall', Hinckley.
  • Black Shorts Or dark coloured sports bottoms.
  • Black Plimsolls or Trainers


The swimming Kit is:

  • Swimming Suit or Swimming Trunks
  • Towel
  • Swimming Cap advised for longer hair


Jewellery is not appropriate for wearing in school, with the exception of plain stud earrings and a watch.  Earrings should be removed for PE.


Please make sure that all your child's belongings are clearly labelled.


Hole in the Wall Price List - effective Sept 2023


SWEATSHIRT from £10.99

CARDIGAN from £11.99

P.E T SHIRT from £5.50

TIE 12/14” CLIP ON * £5.00

BOOK BAG £5.99

Hole in the Wall Information
