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01455 842138 Arbor

PSALM 25:4
"Show me your way, LORD. Teach me your path"

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


Spirituality at St Simon and St Jude C of E Primary School is an all-encompassing, multi-faceted connection with something bigger than ourselves that cannot be held or touched. It is a belief that brings comfort and guidance and instils a sense of calmness and an awareness of belonging to our school and wider communities. It helps us to focus on showing our values, being wholly respectful and finding beauty and awe in everyone, and in the world around us. 

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development is crucial for individual pupils and important for society as a whole. It is the heart of what education is all about – helping pupils grow and develop as people and effective participants in modern Britain. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development is cross curricular and promotes the aims and principles of the policies for, Religious Education, Collective Worship, PSHE, Relationships and Sex Education, and Equal Opportunities.

These policies all underpin the Curriculum model, putting the child at the centre of all we do.

It is an expectation that all staff, in all subjects, can and should contribute to the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development of pupils through the curriculum and through the use of appropriate teaching and learning strategies e.g. discussion, reflection, pupil participation and also through their own conduct.

The importance of relationships between all school staff, parents and governors is vital. These relationships will be characterised by mutual respect, by positive attitudes, by the willingness to listen and be listened to and by the valuing of all pupils.


Please read our SMSC and Spiritual Development policy for more information:

SMSC and Spiritual Development Policy
