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01455 842138 Arbor

PSALM 25:4
"Show me your way, LORD. Teach me your path"

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Core Values

Our 6 core values are:


  • Friendship: At St Simon and St Jude we show friendship by looking out for one another and sharing out love!  We can help and take care of one another 
  • Courage: You can show courage by being brave, telling the truth and standing up for others. 
  • Truthfulness: Truthfulness means if you have done something wrong you then have to tell the truth. We are honest. 
  • Compassion: Showing compassion is caring for people and we should see this every day.  We can show compassion for people we know and people we don’t. We do this at St Simon and St Jude by supporting lots of different charities. 
  • Respect: Respect is treating others how you want to be treated. If you want to show respect you should know everyone is unique and different. We show respect to everyone and everything. 
  • Forgiveness: When someone has done something bad to you they say sorry. To forgive them means you didn’t hold it against them anymore. You let it go.