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PSALM 25:4
"Show me your way, LORD. Teach me your path"

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


What does your child learn at school each day? 


The Curriculum at St Simon and St Jude 


All children in every year group are entitled to be taught a broad, balanced and interesting curriculum that is matched to their needs, considering their previous learning and attainment. At St Simon and St Jude C of E Primary School we use schemes, our own school and RISE trust curriculums, to ensure that each subject has the best possible learning sequence and knowledge progression.  


All our curriculum stems from the National Curriculum. We teach all National Curriculum statutory subjects – English (including phonics), Maths, Science, ICT, History, Geography, Art, Design Technology, PE and Music, Modern Foreign Languages (French) and Religious Education. In addition, we teach Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE), which includes Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) throughout the school. Religious Education is taught weekly so the children can develop a deeper understanding of faith and spirituality.  


All subjects are taught discreetly, with History, Geography, Art, D&T and Science being blocked into units of learning with daily lessons over about 2 weeks which supports the acquisition and recall of knowledge and can help to prevent overloading pupils with excessive new learning each day and each week.    


This balance of schemes, and curriculum content written by subject experts within our trust schools, ensures that we strive for excellence at all times, aiming to inspire and motivate all children through the way we teach, enabling them to flourish and succeed. 

At St Simon and St Jude, there is a focus on the key knowledge and vocabulary that pupils will learn and be expected to know and these are including on Knowledge Organisers (KOs) for a majority of the subjects.  Teachers plan their lessons carefully sticking to the key learning outlined on these documents and consider the most effective techniques for delivery to support the transition of knowledge to long term memory. The KOs for each year group can be found on individual class pages.   

If you would like any further information about the curriculum at St Simon and St Jude please do not hesitate to contact the school office or your child’s class teacher.  
