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01455 842138 Arbor

PSALM 25:4
"Show me your way, LORD. Teach me your path"

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Rise Multi Academy Trust

St Simon and St Jude CofE Primary School is proud to be part of the Rise Multi Academy Trust.


Our schools each have their own vision and values. Many schools had these before they joined the Rise family. These all complement the work of Rise to enable pupils and staff to ‘flourish and succeed’. Read more about the Rise vision and values here.


We are proud that all our schools are now deemed to be ‘Good’ in the eyes of Ofsted. However, we want that milestone to be a marker on our journey, rather than the destination itself. We want Rise schools to be great schools.


Our family of schools are all different shapes and sizes, serving rich and varied communities and that is one of the many things we love about our Trust.


Find out more about the Rise Multi Academy Trust here.

Rise Multi Academy Trust 

1311A Braemar court,

Melton Road,


LE7 2EN 



Telephone: 0116 4783770


Company Number 08138372 registered England and Wales

Rise Multi Academy Trust

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