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01455 842138 Arbor

PSALM 25:4
"Show me your way, LORD. Teach me your path"

Enabling children to flourish and succeed




Computing at is planned half termly using the objectives from the National Curriculum as well as the skills development for SSSJ.


From Reception to Year 6 children are taught mouse skills, typing skill, coding – creating and debugging, to use a variety of programmes including power point and word as well as music programmes. There are opportunities to use a green screen and video editing software. In Year 5 and 6 children learn to use spreadsheets. Children work on these areas at a level appropriate to their age and skill.

Children are taught to store and save their information safely and it is our aim for children to become responsible, confident and creative users of technology.


We ensure that e-safety is taken very seriously, this is taught as part of E-Safety week yearly as well as being incorporated into other computing lessons. We realise that E-Safety is very important, especially in today’s society and we want to equip children to be able to safe when using any form of technology, at school and in the wider community.


For information on E-Safety please see the Safeguarding policy.
