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01455 842138 Arbor

PSALM 25:4
"Show me your way, LORD. Teach me your path"

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


PFA Planned Events

Our PFA events planned for this academic year to raise funds for our fabulous school.

Friday 27th SeptemberFeast Friday
Thursday 17th OctoberNon-Uniform Day
Half TermDesign a Pizza Competition
Friday 6th DecemberChristmas Fair, 2.30pm-4.00pm
Friday 7th FebruaryWear something red (donations)
Tuesday 18th MarchClothing Recycling Week
Friday 28th MarchMother's Day Shop
Friday 11th AprilFeast Friday
Friday 23rd MayNon-Uniform Day
Friday 6th JuneFeast Friday
Friday 13th JuneFather's Day Shop
Friday 20th JuneFeast Friday
Friday 27th JuneFeast Friday

